Samstag, 31. Dezember 2011
block 53 and a happy new year!!!
here is block 53 and a whole quilt in a book,the last block i need i will choose myself.a big thank you to barbara brackman,and a happy new year to all of you,susi
Samstag, 24. Dezember 2011
block 52

Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011
progress with my octagon quilt

this is my progress on my octagon quilt,i am sewing it in the evenings hearing tv, in the morning and afternoon i am quilting the clamshell quilt,have a nice rest of the week before chrismas,susi
Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2011
cwq block 51 and a little quilting
dear friends,this is block 51 of the cwq,and a sneak peek of the quilting of the clamshell quiilt for all ,who wanted to see it, just traditional i think,have a nice sunday and merry chrismas and a happy sewing year 2012 for you all,susi
Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011
clamshell quilt top is finished
hi friends,my clamshell quilt top is finally measures 2,20x2,40 m,and there were nearly 500 clamshells to sew by hand.but if you know me, you know i love to sew by hand,so now i have to quilt it,what i really like to do ,too.have a nice rest of the week,susi

Samstag, 10. Dezember 2011
Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011
Samstag, 26. November 2011
Dienstag, 22. November 2011
nearly four pairs of socks
now i have knitted nearly four pairs of socks with the medium knitting frame and i must say it works just wonderful,have a nice day,susi
Sonntag, 20. November 2011
tada! and the winner is...
hi,my husband has drawn a winner of my giveaway! you can see,the winner is birgit,congratulations to her!
mein mann hat einen gewinner gezogen,es ist birgit,herzlichen glückwunsch,jetzt brauch ich nur noch deine adresse und dann geht das buch auf die reise.susi
mein mann hat einen gewinner gezogen,es ist birgit,herzlichen glückwunsch,jetzt brauch ich nur noch deine adresse und dann geht das buch auf die reise.susi
Samstag, 19. November 2011
block 47
this is my block 47 of the cwq,an easy but beaautiful one,have a nice sunday,and don`t forget,tomorrow there will be a winner of my little giveaway,susi
Dienstag, 15. November 2011
200th post,a finish,a new toy and a giveaway

i finished the hand quilting of my version from the love letters quilt yesterday evening,it measures 2,35x 2,35 meters,and i am very satisfied,and last week i found a new toy, it is a little knitting frame,it is called "strickdings" in german,and you can knit socks with it and other things like scarfs and hats.and last but not least this is my 200th post and i thought thats the time for a giveaway, you can win this wonderful book from barb adams and alma allen by leaving a comment to this post,i will draw a winner on sunday, good luck to all of you,susi

Samstag, 12. November 2011
Samstag, 5. November 2011
block 45 of the cwq
Donnerstag, 3. November 2011
look what the postman brought today: the settlers pride quilt pattern
look,what i got in the mail today: it is the pattern for the settlers pride quilt from maggie bonanomi.i bought it in the USA,and it needed 8 weeks to reach germany.this will be my next project when i have finished the handquilting of the love letter quilt,which you can see under the pattern,i have to quilt two more blocks and the border yet, have a nice evening,susi
Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011
block 44 of the cwq and some more to show
here is my block 44 of the civil war quilt by barbara brackman.since friday i had my two older grandchildren (11 tomorrow and 6) here,and my granddaughter and i have sewn a new quilt for her,i had no time to quilt it because she wanted to take it home today for sleeping under it.(sleep well,my dear... )
and a little progress with my clamshells,just 14 rows left now. have a nice week,susi
and a little progress with my clamshells,just 14 rows left now. have a nice week,susi
Montag, 24. Oktober 2011
block 43

this is my block 43 of the civil war quilt, i am a little bit late,because i have been a week in austria,have a nice week,susi
Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011
Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011
when the cold wind blows:my version of the love letter quilt
hi friends, i finished the top from the book"when the cold wind blows", i am very satisfied, have a nice rest of the week, i am handquilting...,susi
Samstag, 8. Oktober 2011
block 41and a little rabbit

this is block 41 of the cwq,was easy to sew,with english paper piecing, and a little rabbit for my youngest granddaughter to her first birthday next friday, have a nice sunday,susi
Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011
block 40 and a wonderful package in the mail

this is my block 40 from the cwq,only 12 to go,a year goes by quite faster with a block of the week.and two days ago i got a package in the mail ,it came the long way from america,a box with fabrics i won at sharons blog: Grass Roots Quilting: Scrap Winner , thank you so much ,sharon!have a nice sunday,susi
Freitag, 30. September 2011

here are my progresses with the clamshell quilt and the border of my version of the love letter quilt from the book`when the cold wind blows`from barb adams and alma allen,have a nice weekend,susi
Dienstag, 27. September 2011
i couldn`t resist this fabrics

dear friends,i couldn`t resist this fabrics,they are windham fabrics called "sophia",the first and the fifth are another series,marys blenders and washington legacy ,and two books of kim diehl,i bought them used on abe-books,have a nice rest of the week,susi
Samstag, 24. September 2011
block 39 and two new books

this is block39of the civil war quilt,and i tend to this setting,made it with my EQ7,and i got two new books from blackbird designs,i really love them!!!wonderful quilt patterns , winter can come...,have a nice sunday,my friends,susi
Samstag, 17. September 2011
this and a little that

here comes block38 of the civil war quilt,a sneak peek on the border of my version of "when the cold wind blows" and a little progress with the clamshells,have a nice weekend,susi
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