
Samstag, 26. März 2011

little blue basket

here is block 13,the little blue basket,from barbara brackman,have a nice sunday,all of you,susi

Donnerstag, 24. März 2011

star quilt finished,mein sterne quilt ist fertig

my starquilt is quilted,it measures 2,23x2,52 cm,123 stars and i don`t know how many hexagons and rhombes,it is hand sewn ,of course and handquilted,now i can quilt frederica josephsons quilt and thats exiting because i don`t know how,yet,have a nice day,susi

Samstag, 19. März 2011

block 12 of the civil war quilt

here is block12 from barbara brackmans civil war quilt,again an easy one,

i am hoping with the japanese people,susi

Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

top finished... is the finished top of frederica josephsons quilt! it is 230x250 cm big, and i am looking forward to handquilting it.

Samstag, 12. März 2011

block 10 and 11

here are block ten and eleven from the civil war quilt,have a nice sunday,susi

Freitag, 4. März 2011

a little progress on frederica josephsons quilt

here is my progress of the frederica josephson quilt from the book of annette gero from australia . the original above looks brighter,but that is because of the light,i think,i am looking forward to the barbara brackman block tomorrow,have a nice weekend,susi
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