the right side border is finished,but now it will be a little pause,my oldest daughter is coming home for four days,she is living 800km away from us,so we dont see her so often.
i got it today,all the way from australia to northern germany,and i am really`s a wonderful book,and there are a few quilts i would love to sew.
the top border is finished,was much fun to do,but three more sides are waiting now.sorry for the photo,it was not easy to take,because the quilt is so big,happy stitching to you all,susi der oberste rand ist schon mal fertig,aber drei seiten kommen noch,susi
swans and cranes on their way to the north,it is a place called hornborgasjö,where they rest,before they fly to the north ,on this day there where more than 13000! cranes.