
Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010

aunt claras border

i began on two sides with the border on aunt claras quilt, the original quilt has no border , and i am not quite sure if mine should have it,but i like this windham fabric so much, it reminds me so much of my so beloved greatgrandmother,she wore clothes of such fabric,what do you think?

16 Kommentare:

  1. I think your quilt is beautiful and the border finishes it off perfectly.

  2. Mir gefällt es mit dem Rand sehr gut!
    Aber ich glaub das ja kaum, wie fix du bist!!!!
    LG Renate

  3. I like the border it ties in with the centers of the blocks.

  4. I love the border, and how wonderful to have a reminder of a beloved family member! I had to set Aunt Clara aside to finish a baby quilt for my nephew...I miss it!!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  5. Ich finde diese alten Stoffe auch schön und bin der Meinung, der Stoff paßt gut als Rand. Super sieht dein Quilt aus, du bist sooo fleißig, ich bewundere das sehr.
    LG Martina

  6. I like it very much. Especially, knowing the background info on it. I think they way you've linked it to the inside and then the detail on the outer edge, gives it a little "UMPH"~I vote YES! :)

  7. Yes Susi I vote for the border. It links with the inside very well, and the outer edge with the rose is absolutely beautiful. Your Aunt Clara is going to be gorgeous :)

  8. das ist ein super Idee und einfach perfekt,nur wie Du das mit den Röschen hinbekommen hast verstehe ich nicht,aber einfach Klasse

  9. I think it looks great with a border! How wonderful to have lovely memories of your greatgrandmother.

  10. Ja, das ist eine persönliche Note, die mir sehr gefällt!

    LG Heike R

  11. Hei Susi, Jeg liker så godt denne quilten - og jeg liker kanten du her viser frem. Håper du syr denne med kantestoffet :o) Ha en riktig fin helg. Klem fra LeKa

  12. I think the border finishes this quilt and is a perfect tie-in with the black squares. Beautiful!

  13. I love the border!! How nice to have it remind you of your grandmother:)

  14. Your work is just fabulous! Thanks for posting on our blog so that I could find you!

  15. Looks wonderful Susi, love the border!
