
Montag, 4. Oktober 2010

the backside

some of you wanted to have a look on the backside of my hexagon rosettes quilt. here it is:
i am satisfied with this, i don`t know now if i quilt the centers or not,we`ll see,a nice monday to you all,susi

4 Kommentare:

  1. Your quilting is beautiful, and I love the idea of using perle cotton. I just love this quilt and can't stop coming back to look at it. Just beautiful!!!!!

  2. Tu trabajo esta precioso tanto por delante con los hexagonos ,como por detras con el acolchado .Fantastico. Un abrazo

  3. The pearl cotton is such a nice texture on both sides of your quilt...just lovely!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  4. I wondered what the back looked like and it looks good .... thanks for sharing. I think it is probably longer to quilt this way; but what an effect it gives. Keep on inventing!
