
Montag, 21. Februar 2011

quiltshow part 3

here are some more quilts ,i have sewn some years ago,have a nice week,susi

14 Kommentare:

  1. Så mange nydelige quilt du har sydd ! Takk for at du viser oss disse - meget inspirerende quilts. Ha en riktig fin uke!

  2. Susi your quilts are magnificent and you have made so many which are all beautiful. Happy stitching!

  3. All you quilts are love. Oh my goodness you are a great quilter. Thanks for sharing them with us - Hugs Nat

  4. You make some beautiful quilts, there are some lucky people out there that have received a wonderful gift from you.
    I guess as a quilter we do get to feel what it is like to receive a quilt.

    happy stitching

  5. Sie sind alle wunderbar!!! Und so gross!! Danke fuer den Fotos!! Viel Spass mit die naechste!!
    have a happy sewing day, hugs, Daniëlle

  6. You do beautiful work Susi, I especially love the orange and grey strippy. The quilting is just wonderful!!!

  7. Thank you for the quilt show. Lovely quilts you have made.

  8. The applique quilt in your header is beautiful!

  9. Susi Your quilts are just beautiful, and so is your hand quilting. Just wonderful!

  10. What beautiful quilts!! I adore the red and white quilt - I think it is Welsh quilting style? I love the quilting designs you've done. I would love to make a quilt like that one day... :0) Thanks for sharing your lovely quilts!

  11. Susi, ein Quilt ist schöner als der andere! Einfach unglaublich. Welch ein Schatz!
    Liebe Grüße

  12. Wonderfull, amazing, and I'm happy to see I'm not the only one with love for big quilts. Love your tumblerquilt too.

  13. Einfach wunderschön sind Deine Quilts ! Der erste und der letzte Quilt in der Fotostrecke hat es mir besonders angetan. Und das Quilting auf dem Stripsquilt ist ganz toll, ich bin beeindruckt !

    LG Veronika
