
Dienstag, 3. Juli 2012

5th row of elephants

hi friends ,i managed to sew the fifth row of my elephants with a circus tent in the middle,inspite of that we were 24 people here at the weekend,nearly all of of our  family ,but after a friday with thunder and lightning the weather was sunny and warm on saturday and sunday,have a nice week,susi

7 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo Sus,
    das wird ein wunderschöner Quillt.
    Die Elefanten sehen super aus.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  2. Die Elefanten sind Klasse.
    Die Idee mit dem Zirkuszelt finde ich super.

    Liebe Grüße

  3. your circus tent is delightful! i love it with your elephants, so fun looking!

  4. Cute elephants, and I love the circus tent!

  5. I love all your elephants, and the circus tent will be a perfect addition to this quilt.

    I read that you used your EQ7 program to design your elephants. I am thinking about buying the EQ7 program. Do you love yours? or do you just think that it's just OK?
    Is there anything that you do not like about it?
    I would appreciate any information you can tell me about how you like EQ7.

  6. Also diese Elefäntchen sind ja schon suuuper! Und nun noch einen Zirkus dazu!!
    Der Quilt wird suuuuuper!
    Wünsch Dir einen ganz schönen Sonntag!
    Herzlich, Rita
