
Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012

a little porch time,block 3 and 4

hi friends here are block 3 and 4 of  the little porch time quilt,have a nice week,susi

4 Kommentare:

  1. Dat wordt een prachtige quilt, Susi!!
    Geniet ze vandaag!

  2. I so enjoy seeing your projects -- the Porch Time blocks, your menagerie of elephants, all the little houses. Your projects are precise, rich in color and design, and make me happy, just looking at them. Thank you for sharing them.

  3. Your projects are always just wonderful Susi! Hope you are well.

  4. I see you made the bird just like the pattern. I did too but was tempted to make it look more like a crow.
