
Sonntag, 18. November 2012

a little embroidery

hi friends,i am a little off the road right now because i found these books from helen m. stevens,and they fascinated me a lot,wonderfull little embroideries,and i wonder if i can use some on my crazy quilt.yesterday i tried the first one ,a great tit, i must admit,the original in the book was much better,but i was satisfied with my result, it was the first time i ever stitched one like this,have a nice week,susi

7 Kommentare:

  1. Wonderful embroidery! This will be wonderful on a crazy quilt!

  2. Hallo Susi prachtig borduurwerk heb je gemaakt het zal een juweeltje worden in je quilt.Groetjes Nelleke

  3. Your embroidery talent is better than any that I can do. Your bird will look good in a crazy quilt.

  4. Your first attempt turned out very nicely! Well done.

  5. quite delightful, how talented you are.

  6. Deine Stickarbeit ist dir sehr gut gelungen. Die Stickerei macht sich bestimmt gut in deinem Crazyquilt.
    Liebe Grüße
