
Montag, 4. Februar 2013

socks,socks and a new tool

dear friends, i am back again, i had several meetings with doctors and when i felt better i got an influenca that knocked me nearly out,but i am feeling much better now. but i haven`t been lazy, i knitted 43 pairs of socks the last two months,and i found a new tool to knit socks with thin yarn, is the KB Sock Loom,and i like it very much,because it is adjustable for any size you want to can see it above. i hope i can start quilting and sewing again soon, have a nice week,susi

10 Kommentare:

  1. Hope you are feeling better soon.Those socks are amazing!!!!

  2. Liebe Susi,
    schön, dass es Dir wieder besser geht.
    Du hast ja fleißig Socken gestrickt.

    Liebe Grüße Grit

  3. OH MY GOODNESS!! 43 pairs of socks! Beautiful! What will you do with all of them? I have a loom like that and have never used it! Did you use a certain pattern? I am inspired now! Thank you!

  4. I have never knitted a pair of socks. Seems like a lot of socks in a short period of time. Beautiful work.

  5. OMG Susi...that is amazing, so many socks.
    I have knitted socks but never seen this loom..
    Julia ♥

  6. Liebe Susi,
    wie schön, daß es dir wieder etwas besser geht.
    43 Paar Socken! Das ist ja unglaublich, was du da geleistet hast.
    Weiterhin gute Erholung!
    Liebe Grüße

  7. Look at all the were down, but so happily not out...and look how productive you still were. I don't knit, but it looks like it would be a very soothing thing...kind of like hand quilting is for me, but SO MUCH MORE portable. I hope you continue to feel better and better!

    In stitches,
    Teresa ;o)

  8. Look at all those socks! they look fantastic. Glad you are feeling better.

  9. Hi Susi. Hope you are doing better by now. I was wondering where you were. I have never seen that sock loom before. Your socks are wonderful. Take good care of yourself.

  10. Also das mit dem loom habe ich ja noch nie gesehen, bisher habe ich immer mit einem Nadelspiel die Socken gestrickt. Werde mir wohl aber auch mal so einen loom zulegen. Danke dir für den Tip und viele tolle Socken hast du damit gestrickt.
    Gruß sylvia
