
Montag, 2. September 2013

crazy quilt embroidery

hi friends,i have been two weeks in sweden and embroidered my crazy quilt,now it needs only a backing and i think there will be knots instead of quilting in the middle,and the border will be quilted somehow,have a nice week,all of you,susi

5 Kommentare:

  1. Oh, Susi, this is WONDERFUL!
    I just LOVE crazy quilts, and yours is gorgeous, with all those lovely embroideries...
    Did you use a special pattern for your quilt, dear ?

    THANKS for the inspiration,
    In friendship,

  2. Fabulous work Susi! I have never used dark colours in my quilts, but the way you have combined the darks and lights is stunning.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the quilting.

  3. Liebe Susi,
    wie wunderschön! Ich habe erstmal die ganzen bezaubernden Stickereien bewundert. Das gibt einem Crazy-Quilt immer etwas ganz Besonderes.
    Knoten ist eine gute Lösung.
    Liebe Grüße

  4. Very lovely. The scrappiness is wonderful!

  5. Love your crazy quilt! All of the embroideries make it uber special. I love crazy quilting too!
