
Mittwoch, 13. August 2014

my first two rows of the emily munroe quilt

dear friends,this are my first two rows of the emily munroe quilt,there are 40 still to sew, but it is much fun for me to make them . in the next row are three horses and a tree, that will be quite exiting.... have a nice week,susi

5 Kommentare:

  1. hallo susi,
    ganz ganz toll deine arbeit. wünsch dir auch eine schöne restwoche
    lg elfriede

  2. Nice to see all the blocks side by side. The horse is one of my favorite blocks. I look favorite to seeing that one.

  3. The blocks look lovely all lined up together. Take care

  4. Hallo, ich kam gerade das erste Mal hier vorbei... an Applikationen habe ich mich (als Quiltanfänger) noch nicht wirklich rangewagt... Was Du da vorhast sieht toll aus. Aber auch Deine "little people" finde ich ganz wunderbar.
    Viele Grüße aus Essen, Annett

  5. I have just recently been introduced to this pattern. It is so unique. I love all of the thread work. You are doing a great job on it. Thanks for sharing.
