
Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2015

the beginning of a new adventure: la passacaglia

dear friends, these are the first four rosettes for my la passacaglia quilt after the first book of willyne hammerstein: millefiori quilts . my fabrics are mostly remnents from my daughters sewing room,so we will see how far i get with them,have a nice weekend, we don`t have summer here ,it is raining cats and dogs since weeks now,susi

6 Kommentare:

  1. That looks amazing so far!! You work so fast! It will be wonderful to follow your progress with this quilt :0)

  2. These are beautiful, and I too am impressed at how quickly you got them together. When I start mine, I will probably be able to blog the fact that I was able to cut a hexagon shape!

  3. It's going to be another gorgeous quilt! I love the different colour in each blocks. Join the club with yours and ours weather. It's windy, cold and raining for the last 2 weeks. Today we have a little sunshine :) - You have a nice weekend too - Hugs Nat

  4. Der Beginn sieht Klasse aus. Schöne Stoffe und Farben.
    Liebe Grüße Manuela
