
Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

trying to put a circle in a corner

hi friends,i am trying to get straight outlines on the passacaglia quilt, have a nice weekend,susi

6 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Susi, sparkling fireworks, once more you're working on a beautiful quilt. Have a very good weekend, and i wish you some time for sewing! Fondly, Will in Paris

  2. wow, it looks amazing! And you did it in record time too!

  3. I can see that it would be hard to get the corners square. You did well.

  4. Liebe Susi, welch eine Pracht. Der Quilt wird immer schöner. Ich bewundeere die Farbenvielfalt! Und alles wirkt so wunderbar harmonisch!
    Bewundernde Grüße

  5. Hi Susi,
    What a cute doll did you make! ;-)
    I'm always in admiration of your Passacaglia quilt and am curious to see how you'll be finishing it. This makes me want to start my Passacaglia even more (but I need to finish Dear Jane before :-).
    Have a nice day!

  6. but having got so far you must persevere - it will be a masterpiece quilt.
