hello friends,while i am waiting for the postman to bring me a new quilting template for the tree quilt, i cleaned up a bit in my sewingroom, and i found this tool, it was a gift from my sister in law years ago, and i had nearly forgotten,that i had it. you know , i need to do something with my hands, and so i began a clamshell quilt, this tool is just fantastic, you only need to draft the clamshell with the seem allowance on the right side of the fabric, and then you can start to sew, and i wanted to make a clamshell quilt for years, so i grabbed my 5 inch charm packs ... and i am off sewing, have a nice weekend all of you, susi
The clamshell is one I'd really like to do too. Are you alternating coloured row, white row? I will be interested to see your progress.
AntwortenLöschenI love clam shell quilts and your is off to a great start! It is so nice to have a hand project that is easy to grab and go. Your tree quilt is coming along so nicely...I love the blocks you drafted! When my daughter was tiny, she received several books that I thought would work up as mice applique projects. Will there be something further beyond those blocks? Perhaps that is why you are waiting on the postman...
AntwortenLöschenIn stitches,
Teresa :o)
You are off to a good start on your new clamshell project. I really like the row of white in between the colors. Very pretty.
AntwortenLöschenWhat a great tool!!! You have made a good start Susi!!!
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Susi,
AntwortenLöschendu findest immer wieder neue Schätze. Die Clamshells sehen toll aus. Aber ich stelle sie mir doch ganz schön kompliziert vor.
Liebe Grüße
I love clamshell quilts! I have one started after seeing the V&A exhibit. I have it about half done with another batch of clams to add. I am tring not to repeat fabrics, so add to it when I buy some. Your is lovely and I look forward to watching your progress. Interesting tool.
AntwortenLöschenThank you for sharing!!
Susi do you know where she bought the template, I think I need one.
Olá! Adorei visitar seu Blog. Seus trabalhos são lindos de se vê. Parabéns!
AntwortenLöschenConvido a me visitar, também adoro bordados. http://alcastrosantos.blogspot.com
Um grande abraço, Algecira